What about jobs?



Careers in cybersecurity run the gamut from highly technical to highly policy oriented. Careers include work from policy, compliance, risk, middle management, product management, developer ops, to the programming of software and hardware. Our efforts have focused on incubating students who live at the intersection of policy and technology: policy people who understand the development process and engineers who understand the policy implications of design decisions.

According to NIST Cyberseek, there are many more job opportunities than candidates in cybersecurity. The main challenge you will face is getting that first job. Not all employers can invest in an entry-level employee; many want to hire mid-career people who need little training. There are many strategies you can use to overcome that challenge, including the internships, externships, and research opportunities presented in this FAQ.

For job searches, we note that the CLTC maintains a job board. For jobs in the intelligence community, see this combined portal for career opportunities.

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